Our Nation’s First Founding Principle

Fr. Bill re-visits the value of having Religious Liberty in any Free Society and how, if it is to endure, Governments must protect that Freedom, but the citizens must also not fail to exercise it.


The Inauguration of President Trump was saturated with religious references, including the plurality of ministers offering invocations. Fr. Bill talks about the importance of affirming and protecting the Freedom of Religion in the United States and the task of the Catholic Church in evangelizing in such a Religiously Free Nation.

ELECTION 2024 & OUR NATION’S FOUNDING – Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

Fr. Bill has decided to read the Federalist Papers beginning October 1. In preparation he is reading through “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, written to present an argument in favor of the Revolution against English rule.

Fr. Bill takes points of Paine’s work and discusses how “Common Sense” is still relevant to what the nation is experiencing now in the midst of the current election cycle.


The Apostles and the Great Catch of Fish
Homily – 3rd Sunday of Easter – C
Acts of the Apostles 5:27-32, 40b-41
John 21:1-19

Fr. Bill preaches on the Miracle of the Great Catch of Fish, and how the story, in its entirety, can be applied to the Mission of the Church today and the Constitutional Rights guaranteed to Americans in the United States Bill of Rights.