March 22, 2025 by frbillnicholas HOW DOES GOD PUNISH EVIL? The Parable of the Fig TreeLuke 13:1-9—–Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – Year C Was AIDS a punishment for sin? Was 9/11 a punishment of the United States for its sins? Were the victims of the collapse of the Tower of Siloam more sinful because they suffered that catastrophe? Fr. Bill preaches on the issue of God punishing for sin and how the Parable of the Fig tree clarifies the question, bringing in a whole new element to the issue.
February 7, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE FAITH and WISDOM of JOB and JOSEPH YEAR OF ST. JOSEPHHomily – 5th Sunday of the Year (B) What is the essence behind the Wisdom of Job, and how does St. Joseph fit into that dynamic as the Patron Saint of the Catholic Church? Fr. Bill discusses the similarities between the two men and how the People of the Church can exercise that same Wisdom today.