March 6, 2022 by frbillnicholas TEMPTATION? BRING IT ON The Spiritual Strain of Lenten Spiritual Exercses—-Homily – 1st Sunday of Lent (Year C)Luke 4:1-13 – The Temptation of Jesus in the Desert What is the point of Spiritual Exercise without the Strain of Temptation? Fr. Bill preaches about the Individual and Communal Observances of Lent and how they fit into the experience Jesus had in the Temptation in the Desert.
March 22, 2019 by frbillnicholas VEGETARIANS AND MEATLESS FRIDAYS (Lenten Reflection, #15) Reflection for the 2nd Friday of Lent Catholics are obliged to abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. Why is this practice important? What about those Catholics who are already vegans or vegetarians?