September 3, 2023 by frbillnicholas WHAT WOULD JESUS SAY? – How to Think as God Does Homily22nd Sunday of the Year – A————–Jeremiah 20:7-9Romans 12:1-2Matthew 16:21-27 Jesus admonishes St. Peter saying, “you are not thinking as God does, but as human beings do”. Fr. Bill preaches on ways we fall into thinking about our faith in God by Human Standards and ways in which we can think more like God, using God’s standards.
August 31, 2020 by frbillnicholas PANDEMIC, ELECTION & LIVING GOD’S STANDARDS AS AMERICANS Homily – 22nd Sunday of the YearJeremiah 20:7-9Matthew 16:21-27 St. Peter is reprimanded by Jesus for judging not as God does, but as human beings do, thereby being a hindrance and a stumbling block to Him. Fr. Bill preaches on how we can be more aware of the way we live, vote, and react to a crisis less by human standards and more by God’s standards.
June 21, 2020 by frbillnicholas God’s Promise of Persecutions Sunday HomilyJune 21, 202012th Sunday of the Year – A God promised Jeremiah the prophet that he would be rejected and persecuted. Jesus promised the Church that they would be hated by the World. Fr. Bill addresses the reality of Persecution against Christians, it’s forms and strategies, as well as when and where we continue to see it played out even today, and closer than we think.
May 22, 2020 by frbillnicholas ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT – The 5th Commandment, pt. 4 Video #12 – The Ten Commandments“You Shall Not Kill” How and why does Abortion especially apply to the 5th Commandment and what is the gravity for one who has incurred a completed abortion?Are there Biblical Precedents for this?Is there any Hope in Salvation for one who has had an Abortion?Fr. Bill addresses this hot and sensitive topic; what the Church teaches, and how it deals with those who are guilty of this violation of the 5th Commandment.
April 6, 2019 by frbillnicholas PROPHETIC FRUSTRATION & DIVINE “VENGEANCE” – Prayers of Lamentation Reflection for Saturday of the 4th Saturday of Lent How does it feel when it seems no one is responding to your example of living God’s Law? Jeremiah definitely knows – and he often reminded God of just how bad he had it.
February 4, 2019 by frbillnicholas Throw Jesus Over the Cliff Jesus’ Debut in Nazareth – Was it a Failure? Luke 4:21-30
April 30, 2018 by frbillnicholas VISIONS OF THE END TIME – Apocalypse #16 “Visions of the End Time” Daniel, Chapter 9 Gabriel and the 70 Weeks The Author of the Book of Daniel offers a “reinterpretation” of Scripture in light of the developments of History. A familiar name to Christians appears to Daniel to offer this new interpretation of a Major Prophet of the Old Testament regarding the Babylonian Exile