Waiting for Christ & Anticipating Death

Homily – 33rd Sunday of the Year – B
Mark 13:24-32

Christians do not fixate on when Jesus will Return in Glory. Fr. Bill preaches on how Catholics wait in hope for Christ’s Return, but live their lives in anticipation of Death; once the ultimate alienation from God because of sin, is now saturated with God’s presence because of Christ. Fr. Bill also talks about how Catholics anticipate Death, and ultimately celebrate it as they commend the faithful departed.


How God Made Marriage and What it Means for Christians
Homily – 27th Sunday of the Year (B)
Mark 10:2-12

Fr. Bill preaches on how Marriage is linked to Creation, what it means for us as Human Beings, and how We are Called to more fully embrace it as God Created it.

CUTTING OFF THE GREAT MILLSTONE – Why Did Jesus Use Such Extreme Rhetoric

Sunday Homily
26th Sunday of the Year – B
Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Cut off your hand! Cast into the sea with a great millstone around your neck! Jesus uses extreme language in his teaching. Fr. Bill discusses what it all means, why Jesus uses such language, and how we as Christians can follow such extreme teaching (without resorting to dismemberment).


22nd Sunday of the Year – B

“Tradition” is a word that is tossed around a lot in Catholic circles. Jesus criticizes the Pharisees clinging to human tradition. Fr. Bill preaches about what Tradition, what it means for the Church, what its origins and aims are and how we can renew and restore meaningful Catholic traditions.


The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert
Homily – First Sunday of Lent

Fr. Bill preaches on the Temptation of Jesus and how engaging fully in the practices, observances, penances and sacrifices during Lent actually invite temptation as part of the Spiritual Exercises of the season.


Luke 2:22-40

The stability of any Society depends on the stability of the Family. Fr. Bill preaches on how the Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus symbolizes God’s entry and sanctification of the basic element of a free and stable society, the basic component of the Church, and ultimately, a basic symbol of God’s gift of Freedom.

THE RETURN OF DAVID THE KING – JRR Tolkien and the Annunciation

“All that is gold does not glitter….”

Homily – 4th Sunday of Advent – B
Luke 1:26-38

J.R.R. Tolkien’s poem featured in “The Fellowship of the Ring” speaks strongly to the history of Israel, leading up the birth of Jesus and culminating in the Annunciation of Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. Fr. Bill preaches on the history of the Dynasty of King David and what the Angel Gabriel says about it when he announces the impending birth of Jesus.


Homily – 2nd Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11

Christians declare “Put Christ Back Into Christmas”.
Fr. Bill preaches on how we can put ADVENT back into Christmas.

“Call No One Father” – Here we go again!

Homily – 31st Sunday of the Year – A
Matthew 23:1-12

Father Bill addresses the command of Jesus to “call no one on earth YOUR Father”, as well as the places in the Gospel when Jesus calls out the Pharisees and Sadducees and appears to bemoan the “heavy burdens” associated with the Law of God.