March 22, 2025 by frbillnicholas HOW DOES GOD PUNISH EVIL? The Parable of the Fig TreeLuke 13:1-9—–Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – Year C Was AIDS a punishment for sin? Was 9/11 a punishment of the United States for its sins? Were the victims of the collapse of the Tower of Siloam more sinful because they suffered that catastrophe? Fr. Bill preaches on the issue of God punishing for sin and how the Parable of the Fig tree clarifies the question, bringing in a whole new element to the issue.
December 20, 2024 by frbillnicholas THE “PAGAN” FEAST OF CHRISTMAS? Fr. Bill addresses the assertion of some groups that Christmas was originally a pagan feast.
March 15, 2024 by frbillnicholas LENTEN RESURRECTION Lent inevitably ends with the 50-day celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Fr. Bill talks about how the Resurrection is presented in the Gospels, what patterns they follow, what themes they present, and how we can encounter the Risen Jesus continually as His Followers.
September 4, 2022 by frbillnicholas HATING FATHER AND MOTHER – Putting Jesus in the Back Seat Homily for the 23rd Sunday of the YearLuke 14:25-33 Jesus tells us we must “hate” our Mother and Father if we are to be His Disciples. Fr. Bill preaches on the meaning behind Jesus words, under what circumstances they were first heard and written, and how they are still relevant to Christians today.
February 13, 2022 by frbillnicholas A GOOD SWIFT KICK IN THE PANTS! Jesus Pulls No Punches—-Sunday Homily6th Sunday of the Year – C—Luke 6:17, 20-26 The Gospel of Luke features the most compassionate portrayal of Jesus, and also the most brutally honest.Fr. Bill discusses this quality of Luke’s Gospel and how the Beatitudes are adjusted and presented accordingly by this particular evangelist.
January 30, 2022 by frbillnicholas NOBODY DOES IT BETTER! — The Legacy of Catholic Schools in the United States Homily4th Sunday of the Year—-Luke 4:21-30 The end of January every year celebrates Catholic Schools Week. Fr. Bill preaches about the History and Legacy of Catholic Schools in the United States and why it is important for the future of our Nation to keep that Legacy alive for future generations of children in need of a quality, Faith-based and values-based education.
January 23, 2022 by frbillnicholas WOULD GOD HAVE USED E-MAIL? – After all, He Wrote Letters Homily3rd Sunday of Ordinary TimeLuke 1:1-4 Much of the New Testament is written as a Letter, from the Epistles to the Gospel of St. Luke. Fr. Bill talks about the importance of Letter-writing, its importance to Christian heritage, its impact on History, and how it has been lost in our modern, multi-media saturated culture.
September 22, 2019 by frbillnicholas The Shrewd Steward – Jesus Calls Us to be Clever Scripture Reflection for the 25th Sunday of the Year (C)
July 21, 2019 by frbillnicholas Too Distracted to Pray? Homily for the 16th Sunday of the Year (C)Luke 10:38-42 – Martha and Mary Jesus Visits Martha & Mary
April 15, 2019 by frbillnicholas MARY MAGDALENE – Model of Purification and Gratitude Reflection for Monday of Holy Week St. Mary Magdalene is identified by name in all Four Gospels, but is also associated with Mary of Bethany, and two anonymous “sinners” to become a unique and dynamically substantial presence in Church tradition, born from her presence in the Holy Scripture.How does Mary Magdalene reflect a kind of discipleship, and how does she compare with the “other” Mary of the Jesus story?