Homily for the First Sunday of Advent (C) of the Liturgical Year, 2022

The First Sunday of Advent brings in the New Year for the Catholic Church. Fr. Bill discusses ways in which Catholics can observe annually this head start the Church has on the rest of the world in bringing in the year from the point of faith.

THE END OF THE WORLD!! (a Catholic Perspective)

33rd Sunday of the Year – B

Daniel 12:1-3
Mark 13:24-32

When is the End of the World?
How will we know when it is immanent?
What are the Signs that it is about to happen?

Fr. Bill answers these questions as he talks about the Catholic perspective to the End Times, the Parousia, the End of the World and the Second Coming of Christ.


The Trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has captured the attention of America.

Fr. Bill discusses the trial, not in terms of innocence or guilt, but in terms of what everything about the trial – what led up to it, what it is about, how it has been conducted by the participants, what the media and politicians have sad about it – ultimately says about the state of America and the attitudes that have become prevalent among the People.

What Makes a “Funeral”

Part 2 of Series

When a person dies, friends and loved ones like to conduct “tributes”, “memorials” or “celebrations of life”.

Catholics celebrate a Funeral.

Fr. Bill talks about the qualities that make a Funeral, the progression of the celebration, the symbols that are used, and how a Funeral is very different from simply a “celebration of life.”


32nd Sunday of the Year – B
1 Kings 17:10-16
Mark 12:41-44

The story of the Widow’s Mite (Mark 12:41-44) is popular among the stories of the Gospels, but it is more than a simple story of Love and Generosity. When read beside the story of Elijah and the Widow of Zarephath (I Kings 17:10-16) it takes on a meaning beyond a simple act of “giving”.

Fr. Bill discusses both stories together and discusses the deeper meaning behind the generosity of both widows.

THE END OF THE CHURCH – The Worst Crisis Ever!

Many Catholics are critical of Pope Francis and other Bishops for not calling out Catholic politicians who are in favor of abortion. Some have called Pope Francis a “false Pope”, an “anti-Pope” and even “Satan’s Pope”. Some say that the Church is in a crisis from which it may never recover.

Fr. Bill talks about another crisis from Church history and puts the current issues into the proper perspective of the Church’s checkered, but triumphant past.

DEATH & THE FUNERAL — How Do Catholics Prepare for Death?

New Series on YouTube

St. Joseph of the Patron Saint of a Happy Death November is the Month of the Faithful Departed November 2 is the day in which the Church annually Commemorates All Souls.

Join Fr. Bill as he presents this 5-Part series on how the Catholic Church prepares the faithful when Death is approaching, and how it prayerfully intercedes for the Faithful Departed when they yare called from this Life to the Next.