PENTECOST – How to Control the Holy Spirit

Enjoy my Podcast for Pentecost Sunday

The Third Person of the Holy Trinity is the Holy Spirit which is celebrated every year on Pentecost Sunday – the last day of the 50-day celebration of Easter.

However, it is still subject to the same whimsical interpretation as the Father and Son when it comes to how believers (and non-believers) invoke its action.

Fr. Bill describes the Biblical symbols of the Holy Spirit and how they represent what the Holy Spirit its, what it does, and just how unpredictable and uncontrollable it is; and suggests more modest and humble ways believers come to a greater understanding of how and where it inspires.

Love That is Conditional

Homily for the 6th Sunday of Easter – B
John 15:9-17

We value the virtue of Love. We celebrate Jesus’ Unconditional Love; but do we realize that the Love Jesus requires of us is NOT “Unconditional” There are Conditions to that Love Jesus calls us to.

Fr. Bill talks about what those Conditions are that Jesus wants of us when he tells us to “Love One Another”

Holy Communion and Pro-Abortion Politicians

My latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show in which we discuss the recent Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and its implications for Catholic, Pro-Abortion Politicians.

A Carpenter, NOT a Shepherd

Homily – 4th Sunday of Easter
“Good Shepherd Sunday”
Acts 4:8-12
John 10:11-18

Jesus was not a Shepherd, but a Carpenter. Fr. Bill talks about how Jesus as the Good Shepherd is a part of Christian Mythology, that speaks to a greater truth about our Faith.


3rd Sunday of Easter – B
1 John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48

Jesus ate in the presence of his Disciples but, being human, does Jesus still need to eat?

Fr. Bill discusses two simple concepts regarding faith and how St. Joseph is a prime example of fidelity to both.