End of the World
THE END OF THE WORLD!! (a Catholic Perspective)
THE END OF THE WORLD – The Final Judgment
EASTER SUNDAY – A Whole New World
THE END TIME! – What is it, When is it, How will we know it?
“How to Predict the End of the World”
Apocalypse – part 1

What is the nature of the Christian Expectation of the Second Coming of Christ and the End of the World? What is the importance of this expectation and what is the role Holy Scripture plays in determining when these events will take place?
New Video uploaded every Friday.
Find Fr. Bill’s Book, “I Saw the World End: An Introduction to the Bible’s Apocalyptic Literature”:
at Paulist Press – http://www.paulistpress.com/Products/4450-1/i-saw-the-world-end.aspx
at Barnes & Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-saw-the-world-end-william-c-nicholas/1121543948?ean=9780809144501
at Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Saw-World-End-Introduction-Apocalyptic/dp/0809144506/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1515723903&sr=8-2&keywords=i+saw+the+world+end