TEN COMMANDMENTS / TEN EXCEPTIONS – A Worldly Assault on the God’s Divine Law

Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – B
Exodus 20:1-17
(Deuteronomy 5:6-21)

How does thee world cleverly draw us away from faithfully obeying the Ten Commandments and how does St. Joseph serve as a model of perfect adherence to them?

Fr. Bill talks about the Ten Commandments of God’s Law, what “Commandments” are imposed upon us by the secular world, and how the world draws us away from faithfully living the Ten Commandments by cleverly weaving a series of “exceptions” to the Commandments themselves that may be more familiar, and startling than we realize.

THE “GATEWAY” SIN – Is “Wanting” a Sin?

The Ten Commandments – Video #21
“You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife”
“You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Goods”

“You Shall Not Covet…” deals with an interior disposition of desire; but does it make any “wanting” of anything a sin?

Fr. Bill discusses the last two Commandments of the Ten Commandments, classifying desire and want with the serious sin of “Coveting” and how it is the “gateway” to all other prohibitions of the Ten Commandments.