February 23, 2025 by frbillnicholas IT IS NOT A SIN TO “JUDGE” So What did Jesus Command?Homily – 7th Sunday of Year CLuke 6:27-38 Fr. Bill preaches on Jesus’ command to “stop judging” and how modern society, even modern Christians interpret it incorrectly.
April 3, 2022 by frbillnicholas DOES JESUS CONDONE ADULTLERY – “Who am I to Judge? The Woman Caught In Adultery — John 8:1-11Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent – C The Woman Caught in Adultery is one of the most widely quoted and misquoted stories in the Gospels. Fr. Bill discusses the story, and the example Jesus gives when it comes to both condemnation and the turning away from sin.
April 8, 2019 by frbillnicholas CASTING THE FIRST STONE – Jesus and Condemnation Lenten Reflection for the Monday of the 5th Week of Lent (and the 5th Sunday of Lent – Year C) How does Jesus deal with the issue of Condemnation according to the Law he promised to fulfill? What does it mean for us as His Followers?
March 18, 2016 by frbillnicholas The Woman Caught in Adultery Homily – The Woman Caught in Adultery The 5th Sunday of Lent – Year C