May 22, 2022 by frbillnicholas WHAT AUTHORITY DO BISHOPS REALLY HAVE? Homily6th Sunday of Easter – CActs of the Apostles 15:1-29 Fr. Bill preaches about the nature and role of Bishops in the Church, and in particular how they exercise that authority within a particular framework and context
November 5, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE END OF THE CHURCH – The Worst Crisis Ever! Many Catholics are critical of Pope Francis and other Bishops for not calling out Catholic politicians who are in favor of abortion. Some have called Pope Francis a “false Pope”, an “anti-Pope” and even “Satan’s Pope”. Some say that the Church is in a crisis from which it may never recover.Fr. Bill talks about another crisis from Church history and puts the current issues into the proper perspective of the Church’s checkered, but triumphant past.
November 3, 2020 by frbillnicholas NATIONAL HEROES & CATHOLIC SAINTS – A Lesson for Post-Election America HomilyALL SAINTS DAY What can we learn from the lessons of our National Heroes as Americans, and our Heroes in Holiness as Church? Fr. Bill gives a vision for a post-election 2020 America in which the Church, by the example of American Heroes and Catholic Saints, can itself be an example for our fellow countrymen and the world in moving beyond our differences and moving forward as a nation.
May 21, 2016 by frbillnicholas “CATHOLIC BASICS” with Fr. Bill THE CATHOLIC HIERARCHY Order vs. Chaos: the Authority Structure of the Church Why Pope, Bishops and Priests? What is the role of the Pope in relation to the Bishops (and previous Popes)? In what sense is the Pope Infallible? What if the Pope does not speak infallibly (ex cathedra)?
May 14, 2016 by frbillnicholas “CATHOLIC BASICS” with Fr. Bill THE CATHOLIC CHURCH Where did it come from ? How did it come to be called “Catholic”? What does “Catholic” mean in regard to the Church and its Teachings?
May 1, 2016 by frbillnicholas The Ecumenical Council 6th Sunday of Easter – Year C The Holy Spirit Through the Apostles (Acts 15:1-29) Homily (audio)