November 17, 2024 by frbillnicholas Waiting for Christ & Anticipating Death Homily – 33rd Sunday of the Year – B————-Mark 13:24-32 Christians do not fixate on when Jesus will Return in Glory. Fr. Bill preaches on how Catholics wait in hope for Christ’s Return, but live their lives in anticipation of Death; once the ultimate alienation from God because of sin, is now saturated with God’s presence because of Christ. Fr. Bill also talks about how Catholics anticipate Death, and ultimately celebrate it as they commend the faithful departed.
May 14, 2023 by frbillnicholas DANTE, MARY and a MOTHER’S LOVE Homily for Mother’s Day, 20236th Sunday of Easter – Year A—–John 14:15-21 Fr. Bill offers a Homily for Mother’s Day in which he discusses modern connotations of “love” with the Love Jesus speaks of in the Bible.
January 14, 2023 by frbillnicholas WHAT DO THE U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HAVE IN COMMON? Fr. Bill reviews the recent divisions within the Catholic Church as well as the recent, elongated, election of the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and discusses how the dynamic of both is more similar than we realize, and how such a dynamic is, in fact, beneficial for both the Leadership of the Catholic Church, and the Governance of the United States.
May 22, 2020 by frbillnicholas ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT – The 5th Commandment, pt. 4 Video #12 – The Ten Commandments“You Shall Not Kill” How and why does Abortion especially apply to the 5th Commandment and what is the gravity for one who has incurred a completed abortion?Are there Biblical Precedents for this?Is there any Hope in Salvation for one who has had an Abortion?Fr. Bill addresses this hot and sensitive topic; what the Church teaches, and how it deals with those who are guilty of this violation of the 5th Commandment.
May 10, 2020 by frbillnicholas The Emperor’s New Virus – Challenging the “Experts” Homily5th Sunday of EASTER – A Is it wrong to challenge authority? Is it Christian to question our leaders, religious and civil?Who do we think we are when we question “experts” in Science, Medicine or any field of expertise?Fr. Bill, in his Sunday Homily, addresses the manner in which we, as Christians, are called, and expected, to ask questions, challenge “experts” and thereby expose frauds in our midst.
February 28, 2020 by frbillnicholas THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – Introduction & Numbering Video #1 – THE TEN COMMANDMENTS A new series reviewing the Ten Commandments, in which Fr. Bill discusses their meaning for the people who received them, and their relevance for all of humanity today.
December 30, 2019 by frbillnicholas THE EARLIEST CHRISTIAN CHURCH – The Holy Family Homily — HOLY FAMILY SUNDAY The Sunday following Christmas is the Feast of the Holy Family of Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Long before Jesus gathered any disciples, Mary and Joseph dedicated their lives to doing the will of God with Jesus at the center. Fr. Bill discusses how this was a precursor to the Christian Church, as well as a model and symbol of what the Church is today.
May 30, 2016 by frbillnicholas Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ “Flippers and Poppers and Biters – Oh, My!” Receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus in Communion
May 28, 2016 by frbillnicholas THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST “Perfected by a Perfect Sacrifice”