Book of Revelation
The True Christian Faith – A Litmus Test
“COME, LORD JESUS!” – John’s Conclusion to the Book of Revelation
A WHOLE NEW WORLD: The New Creation – The New Jerusalem
THE END OF THE WORLD – The Final Judgment
THE KING OF KINGS – Armageddon Revisited, the 1,000 Years & the First Resurrection
JESUS IS MARRIED! But Who is His Bride?
THE WHORE OF BABYLON – and the Fall of Imperial Rome (Apocalypse #38)
ARMAGEDDON – What? Where? When? (Apocalypse #37)
Apocalypse, part 37

The concept of the “Battle of Armageddon” originated in the 16th and 19th Chapters of the Book of Revelation. But what kind of a battle will it be, has it happened already, and, when all is said and done, despite the exaggerations of modern interpretive expectation regarding the End of the World, what did Armageddon mean in the context of the Book of Revelation?
Find Fr. Bill’s Book, “I Saw the World End: An Introduction to the Bible’s Apocalyptic Literature”:
at Paulist Press – http://www.paulistpress.com/Products/4450-1/i-saw-the-world-end.aspx
at Barnes & Noble – https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/i-saw-the-world-end-william-c-nicholas/1121543948?ean=9780809144501
at Amazon – https://www.amazon.com/Saw-World-End-Introduction-Apocalyptic/dp/0809144506/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1515723903&sr=8-2&keywords=i+saw+the+world+end
Whisper Films, Burbank, CA