February 18, 2024 by frbillnicholas TEMPTING THE TEMPTER The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert———Homily – First Sunday of Lent Fr. Bill preaches on the Temptation of Jesus and how engaging fully in the practices, observances, penances and sacrifices during Lent actually invite temptation as part of the Spiritual Exercises of the season.
January 30, 2023 by frbillnicholas THE GREATEST SPEECH EVER PROCLAIMED – The Sermon on the Mount Homily — 4th Sunday of the Year (A)Matthew 5:1-12 Fr. Bill preaches on great speeches throughout history, the great speeches in the Scriptures, and how the Sermon on the Mount stands as one of the Greatest Speeches ever given.
November 19, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE GETTYSBURG ADDRESS – 158 Years Later Podcast for November 19, 2021
July 4, 2021 by frbillnicholas PROPHECY IN AMERICA – God’s Voice in the American Experience Independence Day HomilyJuly 4, 2021—Ezekiel 2:2-5 God’s prophets speak to us today; especially in and through the American Experience. As the Nation Celebrates the 4th of July, in the midst of a growing internal culture of hatred for the United States, Fr. Bill preaches how God’s voice can be heard in and through our Nation’s Founding that has formed us as a people, and how the Catholic Church through its leaders continues to speak prophetically today.
April 16, 2021 by frbillnicholas The TITANIC, ABRAHAM LINCOLN & TAXES Podcast on Important Anniversaries attached to Tax Day