HOLY THURSDAY – The Other Great Commission

Lenten Reflection, #37

Jesus gives two Great Commissions. One is called “The Great Commission” and was given before leaving his Disciples after the Resurrection. The other was given at the Last Supper. Fr. Bill discusses how Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist, but also of the Commission Jesus gave to His Disciples, and, by extension, to the entire Church.


Reflection for Wednesday of Holy Week

Judas Iscariot is addressed in all four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. Each one tells the story differently, and in one case the tradition of his fate is a bit different than the traditional story. What does the story of Judas and his betrayal of Jesus tell us about what the early Church had to face in dealing with him and his memory, and how can we, as Church, learn from that experience as we face scandals today?