KNEELING FOR COMMUNION – Where is Church Authority to be Found

Fr. Bill addresses the recent instruction of Chicago Archbishop, Cardinal Blaise Cupich that all Catholics in his Archdiocese stand when receiving Communion.


Fr. Bill addresses the assertion of some groups that Christmas was originally a pagan feast.


Fr. Bill discusses how early Catholic Saint like St. Lucy invented Women’s Lib and Feminism, how their brand is contrary to the Feminism of Today, and how we can return to the Christian roots that is at the heart of the Liberation of Women

ELECTION 2024 – Now that it is over

Thoughts on the Aftermath of US Election 2024

Fr. Bill offers his thoughts on the US Election of 2024 and its aftermath; what does the various reactions to the re-election of Donald Trump say less about the nation and more about the people doing the reacting?


Fr. Bill returns to the issue of Freedom of Religion, accentuating its importance to all other basic freedoms.

FAITH & SCIENCE – Is There Really a Conflict

For the Feast Day of St. Luke, who was a physician, Fr. Bill dives into the complimentary relationship between Faith and Science, debunking the modern myth that they are opposed to one another. Fr. Bill describes why and how Faith leads to Science and why proper Science, inevitably leads back to faith.


Catholics throughout the world were excited with the canonization of John Paul II as a Saint, many calling for his designation as “The Great”. Fr. Bill discusses the “overlooked Pope” canonized the same day. What was the legacy of Pope St. John XXIII, and, perhaps, should he also be considered among “The Great” among Popes?

ELECTION 2024 & OUR NATION’S FOUNDING – Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”

Fr. Bill has decided to read the Federalist Papers beginning October 1. In preparation he is reading through “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, written to present an argument in favor of the Revolution against English rule.

Fr. Bill takes points of Paine’s work and discusses how “Common Sense” is still relevant to what the nation is experiencing now in the midst of the current election cycle.

How Does Election Rhetoric Measure Up to the US Constitution?

During Election Seasons there is a lot of soaring rhetoric by candidates for office, some hopefully, some doomsaying, some declaring what the candidate will or will not do if elected. Fr. Bill addresses some of the rhetoric and matches it against what is directed in the Constitution of the United States.