November 24, 2019 by frbillnicholas 2019 Years Down….(?) Years to Go… Bringing an end to Liturgical Year 2019Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King
April 29, 2019 by frbillnicholas Seeing Jesus in the Scars Homily for the Sunday in the Octave of EasterSunday, April 28, 2019
April 20, 2019 by frbillnicholas HOLY SATURDAY – The Great Silence Lenten Reflection, #39 How do we understand and observe the Day before Easter, between the Crucifixion and the Resurrection? Fr. Bill discusses a useful outlook and ways to remember and observe the “time in between” before launching into the 50 Days of Easter.
April 18, 2019 by frbillnicholas HOLY THURSDAY – The Other Great Commission Lenten Reflection, #37 Jesus gives two Great Commissions. One is called “The Great Commission” and was given before leaving his Disciples after the Resurrection. The other was given at the Last Supper. Fr. Bill discusses how Holy Thursday celebrates the institution of the Holy Eucharist, but also of the Commission Jesus gave to His Disciples, and, by extension, to the entire Church.
April 3, 2019 by frbillnicholas LOOKING FORWARD TO HOLY WEEK Reflection for Wednesday of the 4th Week of Lent Now that we’re half way through Lent to Easter, now is the time to set Easter plans for celebrating not only Easter Sunday, but the High Holy Days of Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. Fr. Bill discusses the importance of these days and encourages everyone to seriously consider joining in the world-wide worship on Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday, now just weeks away.
March 9, 2019 by frbillnicholas Lent – 40 Days in the Desert Lenten Reflection for the Saturday after Ash Wednesday. What is the Tradition of 40 days as found in the Scripture and in the Tradition of the Church? Why is it important in the formation and development of those chosen by God?
March 8, 2019 by frbillnicholas Lenten Fasting – Finding Meaning in Proper Context Reflection for the Friday after Ash Wednesday
March 7, 2019 by frbillnicholas Seeing Lent in Black and White Reflection for the Thursday after Ash Wednesday
March 3, 2019 by frbillnicholas Specks vs. Planks and the Season of Lent Homily – 8th Sunday of the Year“Specks vs. Planks and the Season of Lent (We’re In This Together)”(Luke 6:39-45)