March 22, 2025 by frbillnicholas HOW DOES GOD PUNISH EVIL? The Parable of the Fig TreeLuke 13:1-9—–Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – Year C Was AIDS a punishment for sin? Was 9/11 a punishment of the United States for its sins? Were the victims of the collapse of the Tower of Siloam more sinful because they suffered that catastrophe? Fr. Bill preaches on the issue of God punishing for sin and how the Parable of the Fig tree clarifies the question, bringing in a whole new element to the issue.
March 22, 2024 by frbillnicholas MAKING HOLY WEEK COUNT Holy Week wraps up the Season of Lent. Fr. Bill talks about the events that happen and the feasts that are celebrated leading up to Easter Sunday and the 50 days of the Easter Season.
March 17, 2024 by frbillnicholas ST. PATRICK OF IRELAND AND THE CONFIDENCE OF CHRISTIANS Homily5th Sunday of Lent / St. Patrick’s DayJohn 12:20-33 The Second Half of the Gospel of John presents a Confident Jesus, determined to carry out His Father’s will. St. Patrick evangelized Ireland with the same zeal and surety in his message and mission. Fr. Bill ties the two together, including a prayer from among the earliest tradition of Christian evangelization as the Church begins the final days and weeks of the Season of Lent.
March 15, 2024 by frbillnicholas LENTEN RESURRECTION Lent inevitably ends with the 50-day celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Fr. Bill talks about how the Resurrection is presented in the Gospels, what patterns they follow, what themes they present, and how we can encounter the Risen Jesus continually as His Followers.
February 18, 2024 by frbillnicholas TEMPTING THE TEMPTER The Temptations of Jesus in the Desert———Homily – First Sunday of Lent Fr. Bill preaches on the Temptation of Jesus and how engaging fully in the practices, observances, penances and sacrifices during Lent actually invite temptation as part of the Spiritual Exercises of the season.
October 1, 2023 by frbillnicholas A CHRISTIAN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT PARABLE OF THE 2 SONS & THE 4 CHILDRENHomily – 26th Sunday of the Year – AMatthew 21:28-32 What is the disposition we have regarding living and worshipping as Christians? Fr. Bill preaches on Christ’s Parable of the Two Sons and the Jewish Passover Parable of the Four Children and speaks of how Christians in general and Catholics in Particular can examine and adjust the dispositions from which we all approach our calling to live and worship as followers of Christ.
March 26, 2023 by frbillnicholas COVID: 3 YEARS LATER – The “Lazarus Bookends” Homily – 5th Sunday of Lent (A)John 11:1-45 – The Raising of Lazarus The last time the “Raising of Lazarus” was read at Sunday Mass the World was in the midst of Covid Lockdowns and a Spiritual Death-of-Sorts. Three years later, as we hear that Gospel story again, where are we now, how far have we come? Fr. Bill preaches on Jesus call “that they may have life and have it more abundantly”, and whether or not we have truly risen from this “death” from a disease that was “not to end in death” but that “the Glory of God may be revealed.”
February 20, 2023 by frbillnicholas JESUS WANTS US TO BE PERFECT Sunday Homily7th Sunday of the Year – A———Leviticus 19:1-2, 17-18Matthew 5:38-48 “Be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.” Is such a thing even possible? Was Jesus serious when he said this? What are we to make of it if perfection is impossible for humanity? Fr. Bill preaches on these words of Jesus; why they were uttered; why we are expected, even commanded to be perfect, not as a suggestion, but as a mandate; and ways God has given us to achieve this seemingly impossible command.