February 14, 2021 by frbillnicholas GIVING the DEVIL the BENEFIT of LAW Thomas More, Joseph and a Disobedient LeperHomily – 6th Sunday of the Year (B) Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46Mark 1:40-45 We are moved by the faith of the Leper in approaching Jesus, the compassion of Jesus in curing the Leper; but are we all that impressed with the Leper’s subsequent disobedience to Jesus command? Fr. Bill discusses the often overlooked aftermath of Jesus cure of the Leper in the Gospel of Mark; an aftermath that has grave and serious repercussions for the ministry of Jesus, and serves as a sobering example of the importance of God’s Law, and our obligation to obey.
February 7, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE FAITH and WISDOM of JOB and JOSEPH YEAR OF ST. JOSEPHHomily – 5th Sunday of the Year (B) What is the essence behind the Wisdom of Job, and how does St. Joseph fit into that dynamic as the Patron Saint of the Catholic Church? Fr. Bill discusses the similarities between the two men and how the People of the Church can exercise that same Wisdom today.
January 24, 2021 by frbillnicholas Sons of Zebedee – Son of Joseph: God’s Gift of a Father HomilyYEAR OF ST. JOSEPH3rd Sunday of the Year – BMark 1:14-20 Two of Jesus’ Disciples were called “Sons of Zebedee”, Jesus as “Son of Joseph” was “Son of the Carpenter” and “Son of David” in addition to being the “Son of God”. Fr. Bill discusses how we can find an identity in and through our Fathers and the names that are given to us from him.
January 10, 2021 by frbillnicholas “You are my Beloved Son…” – The Other Father of Jesus Sunday HomilyFEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF JESUSand the YEAR OF ST. JOSEPHMark 1:7-11 At the Baptism of Jesus, God the Father declares from Heaven, “You are my beloved Son…” but there is another who can make the same declaration. Fr. Bill discusses the importance of St. Joseph to faith, and as an example against the worldliness of the modern era.
December 26, 2020 by frbillnicholas STEALING CHRISTMAS – Modern Grinches and the True Christmas Faith Homily – Christmas Eve Vigil Mass How does the Grinch continue to try to steal Christmas from the faith, or steal the faith from Christmas.
December 20, 2020 by frbillnicholas ALL THAT IS GOLD… – The Annunciation and the Lord of the Rings Homily – 4th Sunday of AdventThe Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary How does a poem by J.R.R. Tolkien, featured in “The Fellowship of the Ring” (Book 1 of “The Lord of the Rings”) reflect the same sentiment expressed by the Angel Gabriel during the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary?In his Homily, Fr. Bill discusses an often overlooked detail in the Annunciation to Mary, it’s relation to the Annunciation to Zechariah immediately preceding it, and how Tolkien’s Catholicism was worked into his storytelling of the redemption of Middle Earth.
December 13, 2020 by frbillnicholas A Voice Crying Out in the Rain! Homily — 3rd Sunday of Advent – BJohn 1:6-8, 19-28(Given outdoors during Covid Pandemic regulations)
November 22, 2020 by frbillnicholas SCREW 2020!!! – A Year in Review for the SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING Sunday HomilyChrist the King – 2020
November 15, 2020 by frbillnicholas LOSING ETERNAL LIFE – How NOT to Prepare for Christ’s Coming Homily – 33rd Sunday of the Year (A)Matthew 25:14-30Parable of the Servants and the Talents In Matthew’s Gospel Jesus tells three parables regarding the preparation for the Coming of the Lord. Each one reminds us of the potential we all have of losing salvation. Fr. Bill describes the method in the Parable of the Three Servants and how we can use or misuse the “talents” God gives us for the benefit or detriment of Salvation.
November 3, 2020 by frbillnicholas NATIONAL HEROES & CATHOLIC SAINTS – A Lesson for Post-Election America HomilyALL SAINTS DAY What can we learn from the lessons of our National Heroes as Americans, and our Heroes in Holiness as Church? Fr. Bill gives a vision for a post-election 2020 America in which the Church, by the example of American Heroes and Catholic Saints, can itself be an example for our fellow countrymen and the world in moving beyond our differences and moving forward as a nation.