December 18, 2022 by frbillnicholas ANNUNCIATIONS EVERYWHERE! – Mary Was Not the Only Recipient of an Angelic Message Homily4th Sunday of Advent – Year AThe Annunciation to Joseph Fr. Bill preaches on the many annunciations found in the Bible, of which Mary’s, the most celebrated, is only one. He also talks about how annunciations are carried out today.
November 27, 2022 by frbillnicholas EUCHARISTIC RENEWAL in the SEASON OF ADVENT Celebrating the Church’s New Year Homily for the First Sunday of Advent – Year A——-Matthew 24:37-44 Advent marks the beginning of the New Year, 2023 for the Catholic Church. Fr. Bill preaches on the Eucharistic Renewal and New Year’s resolutions that can help our celebration of the Eucharist become fuller, more vibrant and more substantial as we await Christ’s Return in Glory.
November 24, 2022 by frbillnicholas NOT A DAY TO BE “THANKFUL” Thanksgiving Day Homily Fr. Bill preaches on Thanksgiving Day, making a distinction between “BEING Thankful” and “GIVING Thanks”. He also talks about the importance of Thanksgiving Day as a National Holiday that expresses the true Heart and Soul of our Nation, more than any other day of the year.
November 20, 2022 by frbillnicholas ARE YOU JEWISH OR PAGAN? — Looking Backwards to Jesus’ 2nd Coming Sunday HomilySolemnity of Christ the King————Luke 23:35-43 Pagans saw time and history as an endless cycle. Jewish (and Christian) people see time and history as linear. Fr. Bill preaches on the Solemnity of Christ the King, the end of the Year 2022, and how we prepare for Christ’s Second Coming by looking Backwards to the previous year, in preparation of the year ahead.
November 6, 2022 by frbillnicholas MARRIAGE – A Matter of Grammar Homily for the 32nd Sunday of the Year – CLuke 20:27-38 Fr. Bill preaches on the contentious subject of “marriage” and our obligation, in the face of modern culture, to defend and emulate the sacrament and institution of Marriage as God intended it to be. He makes use of a surprising analysis in offering a proposal on how we, as Followers of Christ, can continue to preach and advocate for Marriage in a compelling way.
October 30, 2022 by frbillnicholas ZACCHAEUS STANDS HIS GROUND Defending the Faith against Anti-Christian Hatred and BigotryHomily for the 31st Sunday of the Year – C—–Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus is more than a Little Man who Climbed a Tree to see Jesus. He is a Hated Tax Collector Who Stood His Ground against the Prejudices and Hatred the People had towards him. Fr. Bill preaches about how Zacchaeus Stood His Ground, Defended Himself against those who Hated Him, and in so doing, Defended Jesus who asked Hospitality from Him.
October 23, 2022 by frbillnicholas GOD’S LANGUAGE IS ENGLISH! Reverence for the Way God Communicates His Word—-Homily for the 30th Sunday of the Year – CPsalm 34 What is God’s Language in your Home? Fr. Bill preaches on the reverence the Biblical Authors had for the language in which the Bible was written, and how we should have reverence for the language which we speak and in which God has chosen to communicate his Holy Word to us down through the centuries to our time and place today.
October 16, 2022 by frbillnicholas IS IT A SIN TO HARASS GOD? The Parable of the Unjust JudgeHomily for the 29th Sunday of the Year—Luke 18:1-8 Jesus tells us to be persistent in prayer, like the Widow was persistent with the Unjust Judge who refused to give her justice. Fr. Bill preaches on what it means to be persistent in our prayer to God, while, at the same time, being open to multiple possibilities of how God will (or will not) answer.
October 2, 2022 by frbillnicholas ARE WE WORTHLESS SERVANTS? Homily27th Sunday of the Year – C—–Luke 17:5-10 Jesus declares those who only fulfill their obligations “unprofitable servants”. Fr. Bill preaches on what Jesus wants from his followers and how we can win his approval as Servants of Worth.
September 18, 2022 by frbillnicholas NOT A FAITH OR DUNDERHEADS The Parable of the Dishonest Steward————-Homily – 25th Sunday of the Year – CAmos 8:4-7Luke 16:1-13 Jesus wants his followers, the Children of Light, to be just as shrewd and clever as the Dishonest Steward of the Parable. Fr. Bill preaches about what it means to be shrewd and why it is important as we bear witness to the Gospel to the anti-Christian world into which Jesus has sent us.