October 23, 2016 by frbillnicholas A Little Modesty . . . Homily for the 30th Sunday of the Year “The Pharisee and the Tax Collector” http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Homily-30thSundayCPhariseeandTaxCollector-Modesty.wav
October 16, 2016 by frbillnicholas WikiLeaks, the Founding Fathers and the “Backward” Catholics Homily 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C The Impact of Catholicism on Western Civilization and the Founding of the United States “How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity” by Rodney Stark “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization” by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
October 3, 2016 by frbillnicholas Habakkuk, Prayer and Anger at God Homily 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C The Prophet Habakkuk and His Frustration and Anger at God Prophet Habakkuk by Bernini
September 12, 2016 by frbillnicholas The Prodigal Son and the 15th Anniversary of 9/11 Homily 24th Sunday of Year C
September 5, 2016 by frbillnicholas Political Correctness, “The Art of War” & the Call to Christian Discipleship 23rd Sunday of Year C Gospel Reading: Luke 14:25-33 http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/GospelReading-23rdSundayC.wav
August 14, 2016 by frbillnicholas Setting the Earth on Fire Homily for the 20th Sunday of the Year (Luke 12:49-53) http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Homily-20thSundayCwebsite.wav
August 8, 2016 by frbillnicholas Hobbits, Birthdays and Treasures in Heaven Homily for the 19th Sunday of the Year (Luke 12:32-34) http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Homily-19thSundayCHobbits3.wav
July 31, 2016 by frbillnicholas Ecclesiastes, the Rich Fool & “A Christmas Carol” Homily for the 18th Sunday of the Year “Vanity of Vanities!!” (audio) http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Homily-18thSundayCRichFool3.wav http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/GospelReading-18thSundayCRichFool.wav also — Gospel Reading – Luke 12:13-21 (audio)
July 24, 2016 by frbillnicholas The Lord’s Prayer Homily for the 17th Sunday of Year C “Lord, teach us to Pray” (Luke 11:1) http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Homily-17thSundayLordsPrayerwebsite.wav
July 18, 2016 by frbillnicholas Martha and Mary Homily for the 16th Sunday of Year C The Importance of Including Prayer (audio) http://www.frbillnicholas.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Homily-16thSundayCMarthaMary.wav