Homilies Given at Mass and other Celebrations
Temptation, Jesus and the Season of Lent
Lent is Coming !!!
The Church will Never “Get With the Times”
During the last election, one of the candidates publicly stated that the Catholic Church had to change its teachings on marriage and human sexuality, so as to be more in tune with modern values. Jesus addresses that sentiment during his Sermon on the Mount and because of his teaching, the Church, if it is to remain truly the Church, will never “get with the times.”
“Marriage & Revenge:
Why the Catholic Church will Never “Get With the Times”
Homily – 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C

“You have heard it said…but what I tell you is…”
Homily (audio) – 6th Sunday of the Year
The Antitheses of St. Matthew’s Gospel
Intensifying our vigilance against sin
Gospel reading (Matthew 5:17-37) included
Homily begins at 3 Minutes, 10 Seconds