May 3, 2020 by frbillnicholas Who Wants to Be a Priest? GOOD SHEPHERD SUNDAYHomily for the 4th Sunday of Easter (A) We pray for vocations, but how do we pray? Does the shortage of priests and religious in our parishes and schools mean that God is ignoring our prayer? Is God punishing the Church? Or has God, in fact, been answering our prayers all along? Fr. Bill talks about the vocation shortage in light of Jesus as the Good Shepherd
April 26, 2020 by frbillnicholas The First Mass – Jesus on the Road to Emmaus Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter – Year ALuke 24:13-35
April 19, 2020 by frbillnicholas Thomas, the First Theologian St. Thomas the ApostleHomily for the 2nd Sunday of Easter(Divine Mercy Sunday) Why do we need to give St. Thomas a long needed reprieve from his designation as “The Doubter”? How are we, or are we not included in the Beatitude Jesus gives to Thomas? – “Blessed are they who have not seen but still believe.” Fr. Bill discusses the well known story of Jesus’ Resurrection. (Sorry if the sound seems a little odd. Tried a new setting. Will be going back to the old one.)
April 12, 2020 by frbillnicholas Empty Tomb / Empty Churches – Easter in a Time of Pandemic EASTER SUNDAY HOMILY Why is this Easter different from all other Easters?How is this Easter like all other Passovers?How can this Easter make us stronger in Faith?Fr. Bill’s Easter Sunday Homily addresses Easter Sunday during the Corona Virus Pandemic.
April 5, 2020 by frbillnicholas Holy Week in a Time of Pandemic Homily for Passion Sunday – 2020 There has not been a Holy Week like this in recent memory. Fr. Bill talks about the secret blessing that can come forth from a Holy Week and Easter time celebrated in the midst of Social Distancing and Sheltering-in-Place during the Corona Virus Pandemic.
March 29, 2020 by frbillnicholas Did Lazarus Die of the Corona Virus? Resurrection In a Time of PandemicHomily – 5th Sunday of Lent – AThe Raising of Lazarus from the Dead
March 16, 2020 by frbillnicholas OUTBREAK!! – Is God with us or Not? Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – AFr. Bill discusses the Corona Virus outbreak and opportunities during the Season of Lent.
February 24, 2020 by frbillnicholas LENT IS COMING so Turn the Other Cheek Homily – 7th Sunday of the Year – Sunday before Ash Wednesday, 2020
February 11, 2020 by frbillnicholas ELECTION 2020 & OUR LADY OF LOURDES How can the people of the United States dedicate the upcoming 2020 Elections to the Prayerful Intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes? Fr. Bill preaches the Feast Day of Our Lady Of Lourdes in terms of Healing, the 2020 Elections and the United States Patron Saint – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
January 27, 2020 by frbillnicholas THE LEGACY OF CATHOLIC SCHOOLS Homily for CATHOLIC SCHOOL SUNDAY The Catholic Church throughout the World, and especially in the United States, has an unmatched legacy of Catholic Schools that provide a superior education for children. Catholic School Sunday celebrates that legacy and promotes its continued presence in our world.