Homily for the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Fr Bill eulogizes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God.
American and Church History
Fr. Bill returns to his podcast to talk about Christmas not only as a secular observance, but one in which even atheists give a nod to the birth of Jesus just by virtue of celebrating Christmas (however they do it). Christmas is also a national reminder of our “First Freedom” as Americans — which is not the Freedom of Speech (at best, that is the Second Freedom).
Fr. Bill discusses the “Spirit” behind Halloween, regardless of multiple origins from which it emerged and counters the popular notion that it is a Pagan feast celebrating Death, Evil and the Devil
Our Lady of the Rosary, the Battle of Lepanto and the Power of Catholic Prayer
Last August an Op-Ed in the Atlantic declared the Rosary to be a symbol of Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy. Fr. Bill discusses how the Rosary is in fact comparable to a weapon and how the Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto demonstrates this to be true – but not the kind of weapon one would expect. He further discusses the importance and Power of Prayer and why the Atlantic author reflects a great fear many have for the Catholici Power of Prayer.