BATTLE OF LEPANTO – the Brett Winterble Show

Visited the Brett Winterble Show (AM 760 KFMB San Diego) on Columbas Day, October 9, 2017.  We talked about another pivotal event in the history of Europe — the Battle of Lepanto.  Brett and I discussed the events and importance of this battle against the Islamic forces of the Ottoman Turks to European History and how the Catholic Church planned, executed and down to today celebrates that great victory.

History and the Canaanite Woman

Homily (audio)
20th Sunday of the Year
“History and the Canaanite Woman”

With the news of demonstrations and calls to remove statues of historical figures, it is important to know one’s history, regardless of which side you are on in the debate.  Jesus cure of the daughter of the Canaanite Woman speaks to this issue in ways that may surprise you.

Nominated Justice Gorsuch and Past Decisions of the Supreme Court

My latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show in which I discuss the Supreme Court as one of three co-equal branches of Government.  How have past decisions demonstrated a fallible court, rather than a court of final authority in the United States – hence the need for two other branches to balance out the court.

History and the Supreme Court of the United States

With President Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch to succeed the late justice Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court of the United States, the political maneuvering of both Democrats and Republicans for the impending hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee will soon begin to take shape.  Here is a Commentary I wrote back in 2006 following the nominations of Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Sam Alito.

“When the Supreme Court ‘Respects Precedent'”

Abortion and Slavery — Kindred Conflicts for American Justice

With the recent demonstrations in Washington, D.C., the “Million Woman March” (1/21/2017) and the 44th Annual “March for Life” (1/27,2017), the issue of Abortion is in the forefront of the media and American Politics.  Here is a Commentary I wrote back in 2003 that speaks to the issue of a “Woman’s ‘right’ to ‘choose'” the issue of an American’s ‘property rights’ over a slave.

“Slavery – and a Woman’s ‘Right’ to Choose”