How Should We Choose Our U.S. Senators? – Return to the Brett Winterble Show


With the accusations against Judge Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate Race in Alabama, Brett Winterble and I discuss how the Founding Fathers intended when selecting U.S. Senators, and how it was changed in the 17th Amendment to the Constitution.

500th ANNIVERSARY OF PROTESTANTISM!! — on the Brett Winterble Show

Halloween and the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation
Interview on October 31, 2017
The Brett Winterble Show — KFMB AM760 San Diego

Is Donald Trump anointed by God?

“God’s Anointed”
Homily – 29th Sunday of the Year (A)

audio only:

God works through our leaders, from the ancient kings of Israel, to the pagan kings who ruled over the Jews, to the Popes chosen throughout Church History, to the Presidents of the United States, whose influence affects world events as well as the presence, actions and attitudes toward the Church in the U.S.

Fr. Bill talks about how “render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, but to God the things that are God’s” is an affirmation that our leaders are called by God, and have an obligation in that calling.

P.S. Houston won! and will face the Dodgers!