IS THERE IN FAITH NO DEFENSE? – Zacchaeus, Apologetics and Defending the Catholic Church

Homily – 31st Sunday of the Year – C
The Tax Collector Who Climbed a Tree

The Story of Zacchaeus is more than simply the story of a Tax Collector who climbed a tree; and more than a simple conversion story. Zacchaeus gives a great example of how we should respond to criticism from people who oppose us

The Inquisition – A Historical Perspective

Fr. Bill returns to the Brett Winterble Show on NewsmaxTV to discuss the history and misconceptions of the Catholic Inquisition, and how it contributed something very important to Western Civilization and even American concepts of Justice.

SYMBOLS – Identifying Features of Faith

Reflection for Tuesday of the 5th Week of Lent

Do you know the symbols of faith? Can you identify people from Holy Scripture and Saints from Church History by their symbols? What are some of these Symbols.

Fr. Bill reviews just a handful of them to give a sample of the richness of symbolism in just our Scripture and Tradition of Saints.

Andrew Jackson & Donald Trump – Two Wars with Congress

My latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show in which Brett and I discuss the similarities between the Presidencies of Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump, particularly between the Current War With Congress over the Border Security and Jackson’s War With Congress over the United States Bank.