May 7, 2021 by frbillnicholas Enjoy this week’s podcast on the Pastoral Letter by Archbishop Cordileone in which I comment on common responses by Catholics who opt to excuse themselves from such basic teachings as the Sanctity of Human Life.
May 6, 2021 by frbillnicholas Holy Communion and Pro-Abortion Politicians My latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show in which we discuss the recent Pastoral Letter of Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone and its implications for Catholic, Pro-Abortion Politicians.
April 16, 2021 by frbillnicholas The TITANIC, ABRAHAM LINCOLN & TAXES Podcast on Important Anniversaries attached to Tax Day
April 11, 2021 by frbillnicholas TERROR OF DEMONS & SOCIALISTS Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Easter “Doubting Thomas” (John 20:19-31), showed us that without asking certain questions, Jesus would not have given us some of his most well known sayings: “Blessed are those that have not seen, yet still believe,” “I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.”Fr. Bill talks about questions that arose regarding his own doubts about a popular interpretation of this Sunday’s First Reading (Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35) and how his doubt led to a deeper understanding of Catholic Social Teaching.
April 9, 2021 by frbillnicholas THOUGHTS ON THE CANCEL CULTURE – The Issue of “Being Offended” Podcast for April 9, 2021
April 4, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE ASCENSION OF ST. JOSEPH – Easter Sunday, 2021 Homily for Easter SundayYear of St. Joseph “Jesus descended into helland on the Third Day He Rose Again…”— Apostles Creed
March 14, 2021 by frbillnicholas HALTING THE CANCEL CULTURE – The Importance of Knowing Your History Homily – 4th Sunday of Lent – B Ignorance of History has led to the Cancel Culture that has diseased our society, in which an elite few have accentuated the worst parts of history in order to define our Church, Culture and Nation. Fr. Bill speaks of how knowing our History is a key component in canceling the Cancel Culture and how St. Joseph personifies the history of Israel, and therefore encompasses the importance of History itself.
March 10, 2021 by frbillnicholas TEN COMMANDMENTS / TEN EXCEPTIONS – A Worldly Assault on the God’s Divine Law Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – BExodus 20:1-17(Deuteronomy 5:6-21) How does thee world cleverly draw us away from faithfully obeying the Ten Commandments and how does St. Joseph serve as a model of perfect adherence to them?Fr. Bill talks about the Ten Commandments of God’s Law, what “Commandments” are imposed upon us by the secular world, and how the world draws us away from faithfully living the Ten Commandments by cleverly weaving a series of “exceptions” to the Commandments themselves that may be more familiar, and startling than we realize.