Empty Tomb / Empty Churches – Easter in a Time of Pandemic


Why is this Easter different from all other Easters?
How is this Easter like all other Passovers?
How can this Easter make us stronger in Faith?

Fr. Bill’s Easter Sunday Homily addresses Easter Sunday during the Corona Virus Pandemic.

Holy Week in a Time of Pandemic

Homily for Passion Sunday – 2020

There has not been a Holy Week like this in recent memory. Fr. Bill talks about the secret blessing that can come forth from a Holy Week and Easter time celebrated in the midst of Social Distancing and Sheltering-in-Place during the Corona Virus Pandemic.

TRUMP BULLYING (& St. Valentines Day)

My visit to the last airing of the Brett Winterble Show before Brett moves to Charlotte.
We discuss an article that blames President Trump for a minuscule increase in bullying in schools.
We also discuss the history behind February 14th being the feast day of St. Valentine, and of two Saints more important to Western History.


How can the people of the United States dedicate the upcoming 2020 Elections to the Prayerful Intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes?

Fr. Bill preaches the Feast Day of Our Lady Of Lourdes in terms of Healing, the 2020 Elections and the United States Patron Saint – Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.

THE “JUST WAR” THEORY – The Brett Winterble Show

With the tensions between the United States and Iran, Fr. Bill returns to the Brett Winterble Show on NewsmaxTV to discuss the historical impact of the Christian Faith on matters of war, peace and the moral obligation of national leaders to defend the helpless against violent aggressors.

Enjoy, also, the audio to Fr. Bill’s visit to Brett’s Radio Show on KFMB AM760 San Diego


Fr. Bill returns to the Brett Winterble Show on NewsmaxTV to discuss the Historical and Constitutional perspectives regarding the Impeachment of President Trump, and how the Constitutional framing of Three Co-equal Branches of Government plays out in an Impeachment process.

Fr. Bill Nicholas talks Impeachment with his friend Brett Winterble on the Brett Winterble Show, NewsmaxTV

IMPEACHED!!! — The Brett Winterble Show

…and Fr. Bill returns to the Brett Winterble Show to discuss and compare the current impeachment with impeachments of the past in light of the role of Congress in impeaching the President of the United States.