LEGAL & MORAL TRUTH – The 8th Commandment

The Ten Commandments – Video #19
“You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.”

“Bearing False Witness” connotes a legal setting, but in the Christian context, with the teachings of Jesus, “TRUTH” is an important part of our cultural and faith “identity”.

Fr. Bill discusses the 8th Commandment – “You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor” in light of the broader standard that the People of God, and the Followers of Christ, be known as People of the Truth.

STEALING FROM GOD – The 7th Commandment, pt. 2

The Ten Commandments, #18
Stealing What is Yours
“You Shall Not Steal”

Is it possible to steal what is rightfully ours? Can one be guilty of stealing from the Poor and Stealing from God?

Fr. Bill expands on the 7th Commandment, “You Shall Not Steal” and shows how God worked into the Biblical Law His desire for us to share what is ours with those in need, while also providing for the Worship Life of the People.

STEALING PEOPLE & PROPERTY – The 7th Commandment, pt. 1

Video #17 — The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Steal”

“Thou Shall Not Steal” is usually associated with the property and possessions of others. How can it be understood in terms of the Exodus from Slavery brought about by God for His Holy People.

Fr. Bill discusses the 7th Commandment in terms of People, as well as Property, and relates “You Shall Not Steal”t to the dignity of labor God brought to the People of Israel in contrast to Slavery for a powerful overlord.

About “ORIENTATION” – The 6th Commandment, pt. 3

Video #15 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Commit Adultery”

An important issue regarding Human Sexuality is the issue of “Orientation”. Fr. Bill discusses this sensitive topic and how it applies to the 6th Commandment – “You Shall Not Commit Adultery”

The True Christian Faith – A Litmus Test


We believe in Jesus Christ, but we must also believe in the God He revealed. Fr. Bill preaches on the essential faith in One God in Three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

YOU SHALL NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: WHY NOT?! – The 6th Commandment, pt. 1

Video #14 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Commit Adultery”

Human Sexuality is one of the hottest topics in Modern Society, and has been for centuries, if not throughout Human History. The Ten Commandments, however, calls us to something higher in the way will live out this important part of human relations.

Fr. Bill discusses the important factors God wants us to consider in living exercising this important part of our humanity and how the 6th Commandment calls us to rise above our basic Humanity to something appropriate to beings created in God’s Image and Likeness.


Video #13 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Kill”

Capital Punishment involves the killing of another human being usually someone guilty of violating the 5th Commandment. But is Capital Punishment itself a violation of the 5th Commandment?

Fr. Bill discusses the Death Penalty and how the 5th Commandment plays into God’s formation of his people from retaliation to either forgiveness, or a strict prescription on what forms of punishment are acceptable, and not acceptable in the eyes of God and the Standards God has given us to live.

ABORTION: MURDERING THE INNOCENT – The 5th Commandment, pt. 4

Video #12 – The Ten Commandments
“You Shall Not Kill”

How and why does Abortion especially apply to the 5th Commandment and what is the gravity for one who has incurred a completed abortion?
Are there Biblical Precedents for this?
Is there any Hope in Salvation for one who has had an Abortion?

Fr. Bill addresses this hot and sensitive topic; what the Church teaches, and how it deals with those who are guilty of this violation of the 5th Commandment.


6th Sunday of Easter – A

Jesus Commands us to “Love”, to “Live in my Love”, but what did he mean to Love — especially in light of modern, secular, socio-political notions of Love.

Fr. Bill discusses Jesus’ command to Love, and how we exercise it, and why we need the freedom to exercise that Love.