April 4, 2021 by frbillnicholas THE ASCENSION OF ST. JOSEPH – Easter Sunday, 2021 Homily for Easter SundayYear of St. Joseph “Jesus descended into helland on the Third Day He Rose Again…”— Apostles Creed
April 2, 2021 by frbillnicholas Best Evidence of the Greatest Cliffhanger – The Resurrection of Jesus There is no first hand account of the Resurrection of Jesus, even in the Bible. Yet billions today and even more over the past 2000 years believe it – some even to the point of sacrificing their lives rather than renounce it. Join Fr. Bill’s Easter Podcast as he ponders the presumed lack of evidence, why so many have come to believe in it, and why those who do not believe are still kept on edge by the greatest event of human history.
March 10, 2021 by frbillnicholas TEN COMMANDMENTS / TEN EXCEPTIONS – A Worldly Assault on the God’s Divine Law Homily – 3rd Sunday of Lent – BExodus 20:1-17(Deuteronomy 5:6-21) How does thee world cleverly draw us away from faithfully obeying the Ten Commandments and how does St. Joseph serve as a model of perfect adherence to them?Fr. Bill talks about the Ten Commandments of God’s Law, what “Commandments” are imposed upon us by the secular world, and how the world draws us away from faithfully living the Ten Commandments by cleverly weaving a series of “exceptions” to the Commandments themselves that may be more familiar, and startling than we realize.
February 14, 2021 by frbillnicholas GIVING the DEVIL the BENEFIT of LAW Thomas More, Joseph and a Disobedient LeperHomily – 6th Sunday of the Year (B) Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46Mark 1:40-45 We are moved by the faith of the Leper in approaching Jesus, the compassion of Jesus in curing the Leper; but are we all that impressed with the Leper’s subsequent disobedience to Jesus command? Fr. Bill discusses the often overlooked aftermath of Jesus cure of the Leper in the Gospel of Mark; an aftermath that has grave and serious repercussions for the ministry of Jesus, and serves as a sobering example of the importance of God’s Law, and our obligation to obey.
February 12, 2021 by frbillnicholas NEW PODCAST!! FAITH HOPE & HISTORY with FR. BILL • A podcast on Anchor At the urging of a number of people I am venturing into the wonderful world of podcasting. The link can be found below. Pray for its success, (and for the overcoming of any chinks in my presentation once I get the hang of it).
January 24, 2021 by frbillnicholas Sons of Zebedee – Son of Joseph: God’s Gift of a Father HomilyYEAR OF ST. JOSEPH3rd Sunday of the Year – BMark 1:14-20 Two of Jesus’ Disciples were called “Sons of Zebedee”, Jesus as “Son of Joseph” was “Son of the Carpenter” and “Son of David” in addition to being the “Son of God”. Fr. Bill discusses how we can find an identity in and through our Fathers and the names that are given to us from him.
January 10, 2021 by frbillnicholas “You are my Beloved Son…” – The Other Father of Jesus Sunday HomilyFEAST OF THE BAPTISM OF JESUSand the YEAR OF ST. JOSEPHMark 1:7-11 At the Baptism of Jesus, God the Father declares from Heaven, “You are my beloved Son…” but there is another who can make the same declaration. Fr. Bill discusses the importance of St. Joseph to faith, and as an example against the worldliness of the modern era.
October 18, 2020 by frbillnicholas WHO SHOULD CATHOLICS VOTE FOR – Rendering To Caesar during a National Election Homily – 29th Sunday of the Year (A)“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesars, and to God the things that are God’s” Does “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s” = the “Separation of Church and State”? What is a Catholic Christian to make of this and any election in a Democratic Republic? Fr. Bill discusses Election 2020 in light of the Constitution, our Founding Fathers, Catholic Social Teaching and Jesus command to “render to Caesar.”
July 31, 2020 by frbillnicholas GOD’S “GREEN” LAWS – The Ten Commandments & Creation (Series Finale) The Ten Commandments – Video #22God’s Creation, Jesus’ Command to Love, and the Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments are “Green Laws” in that they complement the dynamic of God’s laws of God’s Creation. In the concluding video to this series, Fr. Bill discusses this dynamic, as well as how the Commandments are related to Jesus Commandment to “Love One Another”.