DEATH & THE FUNERAL — How Do Catholics Prepare for Death?

New Series on YouTube

St. Joseph of the Patron Saint of a Happy Death November is the Month of the Faithful Departed November 2 is the day in which the Church annually Commemorates All Souls.

Join Fr. Bill as he presents this 5-Part series on how the Catholic Church prepares the faithful when Death is approaching, and how it prayerfully intercedes for the Faithful Departed when they yare called from this Life to the Next.

To VAX or NOT to VAX!

Fr. Bill addresses the controversy over Covid Vaccinations.  He talks about the issue of “Forced” Vaccinations, and addresses the ethical questions people raise with regard to taking the Vaccine.

(note – Fr. Bill is NOT speaking as an official spokesperson of the Catholic Church.  Rather, he speaks as a pastoral minister who has had to address this in discussions with those who have approached him for advice and guidance.)


24th Sunday of the Year – B

Fr. Bill addresses these modern cultural clichés in light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

WHEN PEOPLE LEAVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH – The First Teaching that Drove People Away

Many people, Catholic and Non-Catholic, object to certain teachings of the Catholic Church.  This is nothing new.  Fr. Bill talks about the up and coming readings of the Sunday Mass, what Jesus taught and how His audience responded.  Fr. Bill then compares it to the objections to current teachings of the Church, the demand of some people that the Church change its teachings, and the penchant for Catholics to leave the Church over them.


Pope Francis has rolled back Pope Benedict XVI’s allowance for greater access to the Traditional Latin Mass. Some are saddened, some confused, some indifferent.

Fr. Bill discusses the issue, and how the Traditional Latin and Novus Ordo Masses relate to the other Rites of the Catholics Church.

PROPHECY IN AMERICA – God’s Voice in the American Experience

Independence Day Homily
July 4, 2021

Ezekiel 2:2-5

God’s prophets speak to us today; especially in and through the American Experience. As the Nation Celebrates the 4th of July, in the midst of a growing internal culture of hatred for the United States, Fr. Bill preaches how God’s voice can be heard in and through our Nation’s Founding that has formed us as a people, and how the Catholic Church through its leaders continues to speak prophetically today.


Podcast on Democrats, the U.S. Catholic Bishops and the Issue of Abortion and Holy Communion

Catholic Democrat members of Congress wrote a letter to the United States Catholic Bishops urging the bishops to refrain from asserting Catholic teaching regarding the Sanctity of Human Life, the Absolute Evil of Abortion, the Advocacy of Abortion by Catholics in Public Life and their Worthiness to Receive in Communion the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Fr. Bill talks about the various issues surrounding the letter, how it violates the cherished doctrine of Separation of Church and State, and how the Paulicians who signed it are digging themselves deeper into a moral hole that further threatens their standing in the Catholic Church and their credibility as American Politicians.

FATHER’S DAY is not a Day for Priests!

Father’s Day Homily
12th Sunday of the Year – B

It is a strong temptation to include priests in wishing men “Happy Father’s Day”. Fr. Bill talks about why it is more important and appropriate to exclude priests and focus more on the Fathers in our midst.