The Miracle of the Great Catch of Fish
5th Sunday of the Year C
Luke 5:1-11

“Go out and MAKE disciples of all the nations!”
“Do not be afraid. From now on you will be CATCHING men.”

Fr. Bill talks about the nature of the miracle of the Great Catch of Fish and what it means for followers of Christ who are given the same call to be “Fishers of men”.

REACTIONS – How to People Respond to the Church

Weekly Podcast

Jesus’ debut in Nazareth was somewhat less than successful.

Fr Bill discusses the ways in which the people of Jesus’ home-town reacted to his teaching and how the Catholics, Christians and anyone of any traditional value system experience and deal with multiple reactions to their presence and assertions in society.


Sunday Homily
2nd Sunday of the Year
1 Corinthians 12:4-11

There will be a Synod of Bishops in 2023 for which the participating Bishops, with the Holy Father, Pope Francis, are seeking the input of Catholics throughout the World.
Fr. Bill talks about how Paul’s teaching on “different gifts, but the same Spirit” is reflected on the unprecedented action being taken by the Pope on the Church moving forward through the Third Millenium.

for more information about the survey —

to participate in the Synod survey —


Podcast for the Feast of the Holy Innocents

The Feast of the Holy Innocents follows the Celebration of Christmas and remembers the death of the infants slaughtered by King Herod following the Birth of Jesus.

Fr. Bill talks about how the Slaughter of the Innocents parallels another Biblical slaughter, and how it is repeated today in the drive for a more secular progressive post-Christian society.

The Funeral Mass & Graveside

Parts 4 & 5 of “Death & the Funeral”

Fr. Bill talks about the Funeral Mass as a final offering of the Deceased to God in a final act of Worship in their presence.
Fr. Bill talks about the Graveside Service as a final farewell of a family to a deceased loved one.

THE END OF THE WORLD!! (a Catholic Perspective)

33rd Sunday of the Year – B

Daniel 12:1-3
Mark 13:24-32

When is the End of the World?
How will we know when it is immanent?
What are the Signs that it is about to happen?

Fr. Bill answers these questions as he talks about the Catholic perspective to the End Times, the Parousia, the End of the World and the Second Coming of Christ.

What Makes a “Funeral”

Part 2 of Series

When a person dies, friends and loved ones like to conduct “tributes”, “memorials” or “celebrations of life”.

Catholics celebrate a Funeral.

Fr. Bill talks about the qualities that make a Funeral, the progression of the celebration, the symbols that are used, and how a Funeral is very different from simply a “celebration of life.”

DEATH & THE FUNERAL — How Do Catholics Prepare for Death?

New Series on YouTube

St. Joseph of the Patron Saint of a Happy Death November is the Month of the Faithful Departed November 2 is the day in which the Church annually Commemorates All Souls.

Join Fr. Bill as he presents this 5-Part series on how the Catholic Church prepares the faithful when Death is approaching, and how it prayerfully intercedes for the Faithful Departed when they yare called from this Life to the Next.

To VAX or NOT to VAX!

Fr. Bill addresses the controversy over Covid Vaccinations.  He talks about the issue of “Forced” Vaccinations, and addresses the ethical questions people raise with regard to taking the Vaccine.

(note – Fr. Bill is NOT speaking as an official spokesperson of the Catholic Church.  Rather, he speaks as a pastoral minister who has had to address this in discussions with those who have approached him for advice and guidance.)