Homily – 22nd Sunday of the Year
Jeremiah 20:7-9
Matthew 16:21-27

St. Peter is reprimanded by Jesus for judging not as God does, but as human beings do, thereby being a hindrance and a stumbling block to Him.

Fr. Bill preaches on how we can be more aware of the way we live, vote, and react to a crisis less by human standards and more by God’s standards.

GOD’S “GREEN” LAWS – The Ten Commandments & Creation (Series Finale)

The Ten Commandments – Video #22
God’s Creation, Jesus’ Command to Love, and the Ten Commandments

The Ten Commandments are “Green Laws” in that they complement the dynamic of God’s laws of God’s Creation.

In the concluding video to this series, Fr. Bill discusses this dynamic, as well as how the Commandments are related to Jesus Commandment to “Love One Another”.

THE “GATEWAY” SIN – Is “Wanting” a Sin?

The Ten Commandments – Video #21
“You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Wife”
“You Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Goods”

“You Shall Not Covet…” deals with an interior disposition of desire; but does it make any “wanting” of anything a sin?

Fr. Bill discusses the last two Commandments of the Ten Commandments, classifying desire and want with the serious sin of “Coveting” and how it is the “gateway” to all other prohibitions of the Ten Commandments.

Religious Liberty and the Cancel Culture – The Brett Winterble Show

Enjoy my latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show on WBT AM1110 Charlotte North Carolina where we discuss the fire at the San Gabriel Mission, the attacks on Religious images and the Cancel Culture sweeping our nation.

ONE COMMANDMENT or TWO – “You Shall Not Covet…”

The Ten Commandments – Video #20
“You Shall Not Covet…”

There are two traditions regarding the Commandment, “You Shall Not Covet”. One is contained in a single 10th Commandment, the other splits it into the 9th and 10th of the Ten Commandments.

Which tradition is the correct one?

Fr. Bill talks about how these two traditions came about, including the origin of both traditions.

LEGAL & MORAL TRUTH – The 8th Commandment

The Ten Commandments – Video #19
“You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor.”

“Bearing False Witness” connotes a legal setting, but in the Christian context, with the teachings of Jesus, “TRUTH” is an important part of our cultural and faith “identity”.

Fr. Bill discusses the 8th Commandment – “You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbor” in light of the broader standard that the People of God, and the Followers of Christ, be known as People of the Truth.

God’s Promise to Be With Our Nation

14th Sunday of the Year – A
Sunday after Independence Day

Has God abandoned the United States of America. Fr. Bill talks about the promise made by God to be with his people if we remained faithful, and how that fidelity is promised by our Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence.

STEALING FROM GOD – The 7th Commandment, pt. 2

The Ten Commandments, #18
Stealing What is Yours
“You Shall Not Steal”

Is it possible to steal what is rightfully ours? Can one be guilty of stealing from the Poor and Stealing from God?

Fr. Bill expands on the 7th Commandment, “You Shall Not Steal” and shows how God worked into the Biblical Law His desire for us to share what is ours with those in need, while also providing for the Worship Life of the People.

DEMONS AMONG US – A Perspective on the Current Crisis

Sunday Homily
13th Sunday of the Year – A

Pandemic, Racism, Riots, Looting, Civil Unrest.

Fr. Bill offers a Biblical perspective on what is going on in our Society, what is at stake, and how we, as followers of Christ, can respond and resist the spiritual and civil assault we are witnessing.