So What did Jesus Command?

Homily – 7th Sunday of Year C
Luke 6:27-38

Fr. Bill preaches on Jesus’ command to “stop judging” and how modern society, even modern Christians interpret it incorrectly.


Our Nation’s First Founding Principle

Fr. Bill re-visits the value of having Religious Liberty in any Free Society and how, if it is to endure, Governments must protect that Freedom, but the citizens must also not fail to exercise it.


The Inauguration of President Trump was saturated with religious references, including the plurality of ministers offering invocations. Fr. Bill talks about the importance of affirming and protecting the Freedom of Religion in the United States and the task of the Catholic Church in evangelizing in such a Religiously Free Nation.

KNEELING FOR COMMUNION – Where is Church Authority to be Found

Fr. Bill addresses the recent instruction of Chicago Archbishop, Cardinal Blaise Cupich that all Catholics in his Archdiocese stand when receiving Communion.


Fr. Bill addresses the assertion of some groups that Christmas was originally a pagan feast.


Fr. Bill discusses how early Catholic Saint like St. Lucy invented Women’s Lib and Feminism, how their brand is contrary to the Feminism of Today, and how we can return to the Christian roots that is at the heart of the Liberation of Women

Waiting for Christ & Anticipating Death

Homily – 33rd Sunday of the Year – B
Mark 13:24-32

Christians do not fixate on when Jesus will Return in Glory. Fr. Bill preaches on how Catholics wait in hope for Christ’s Return, but live their lives in anticipation of Death; once the ultimate alienation from God because of sin, is now saturated with God’s presence because of Christ. Fr. Bill also talks about how Catholics anticipate Death, and ultimately celebrate it as they commend the faithful departed.

ELECTION 2024 – Now that it is over

Thoughts on the Aftermath of US Election 2024

Fr. Bill offers his thoughts on the US Election of 2024 and its aftermath; what does the various reactions to the re-election of Donald Trump say less about the nation and more about the people doing the reacting?