Scandals in the Catholic Church – The Brett Winterble Show

In my latest visit to the Brett Winterble Show Brett and I discuss the recent wave of scandal in the Catholic Church and what it means for Catholics to remain faithful, and priests to remain professional in their dealings with people of all ages.  Interview begins at 17:56.

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2 thoughts on “Scandals in the Catholic Church – The Brett Winterble Show

  1. Thank you Fr. Bill!
    Keeping this radio show and all our holy men and women in prayer..we’ve got this as Catholic men and women of God!

  2. Another well done spot. My only disagreement with you is that our priests should be some of the most important people in our lives and families….not because they are priests, but because they are human. We need to reach out to each other, not just when we need something, but also in love (agape) and friendship. Our culture is a personal isolationist culture which breeds spiritual sickness because we were meant, as the body/bride of Christ, to be in one accord with each other-to be family to those without family.

    Well done and I agree with you completely about every other point.

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