The Courage to Defend the Fatih

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year C
Zacchaeus (the Little Man who Climbed a Tree) and our Call to Defend the Faith

Books Recommended in the Homily:

Woods, Thomas Jr.  “How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization”, 2012

Stark, Rodney,  “How the West Won:  The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity”, 2015

Stark, Rodney, “God’s Battalions:  The Case for the Crusades”, 2010

Stark, Rodney, “Bearing False Witness:  Debunking Centuries of Anti-Catholic History”, 2016

Indiana Jones and the Da Vinci Code of Doom!

“Holy Grail:  A Spiritual Quest”

With the Theatrical Release of the move based on Dan Brown’s most recent novel, “Inferno”, let us re-visit the novel that launched his fame in popular culture.  “The Da Vinci Code” sparked interest in ancient legends of the Holy Grail, as well as speculation on Church History and the Life of Jesus Christ.  Here is a commentary I wrote in 2006 that addressed the “Da Vinci Code” phenomenon and how it sparked a new form of “Grail Quest” in our modern culture.

“CATHOLIC BASICS” with Fr. Bill – How to Go to Confession

How do Catholics go to Confession?
part 1
part 2

Part 1:
How do you Prepare to go to Confession? — Examination of Conscience

How do you Begin?
Why is it Important to Tell the Priest How Long Since Your Last Confession?

Part 2:
How do You Confess Your Sins?
What Should You Not Confess?
What is the Purpose of the Penance?